Categoria: other services


Fotografo di matrimonio a Udine: oltre il matrimonio

Cosa posso fare per te oltre al matrimonio A volte il fotografo di matrimonio a Udine è una figura con una collocazione molto verticale. Spesso ci si rivolge al fotografo a Udine solo per il matrimonio ed è difficile venirne in contatto in altre occasioni. Eppure è possibile ottenere servizi diversi e con un impegno…


Among wedding and portrait

At a wedding photographer in Venice you are often required collateral services to marriage and often we have talked about in this blog. Especially related to the destination wedding. And so today I want to present a pair stemming from Hong Kong. Mandy contacted me via email for a photo shoot in wedding dresses but…

Portrait photographer

The studio portrait

Glauco Comoretto wedding photographer in Venice … ok! yes, this is the official definition of my work. My main job is wedding photography and Venice is the city in which I work more though, as you can see by visiting my galleries, I work in other cities. I very much written about my work, and…


Bla bla on the portrait and… a big belly

I fell in love portrait photography. It is not strange for a wedding photographer who has in his study the exposure room. I can not say when and how it did this passion and the spark that made me fall in love with this specific discipline. I started from very far away, I’ve always been…

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