Which photo book?
An object , something that is real and that it remains over time , this is a wedding album . After choosing your wedding photographer, by style and feeling , arrive the time comes to choose the album that contains the photos of your wedding .
Wedding photographers like a lot talk about photography and photo shoot rather than album , not because we consider it less important but because we truly love our work. The album , however, is the packaging in which we present our work . A photo shoot is complete when it is printed . Which media can enhance or devalue the images it contains .
My best tip about to choose the album is to not go to savings. It is important that the album is well built and long-lasting, and the same holds for the print. The print is very vast topic, today the state of the art is represented by fine-art printing. I will look into the matter of the fine-art in other posts.
Then trust your instincts and feelings for the choice of the type of album. In addition to the classic album with photos pasted and the photo book, on the market there are other solutions; Very popular are boxes plexiglass or wood that become the caskets for precious memories.
Finally the cover. Also here you can pick and find materials and colors, as well as combinations and in absolute freedom decorations.
If you’re environmentally concious you can opt for covers in renewable materials (linen, cotton, etc. etc.) and album pages in paper extracted from the cotton fiber; the paper used for the fine-art print is just such.
To each his own, let him guide your wedding photographer through the world of print, it will be fascinating …