
Why this blog?

What a wedding photographer need of a blog like this? Many will think it is a method to do marketing. I do not deny it, probably the work on this blog also brings benefits from this point of view, but that’s not the real reason. First of all, the marketing is not something that I really like. Not because I believe that we should not do, in fact, it is very important but because I think the marketing is understood in the traditional way, that is how it was until a few years ago, is not “honest” with their customers and then sets of bases that do not like to report. In fact, in recent years I see this new current of thought that to promote their business (especially in the case of micro companies like mine) you point precisely on honesty and transparency. It tells themselves and their lives, their passions and their own ways of interpreting their work so that the potential customer knows us even before we met, and that the spring for the purchase is not a slogan or a persuasive sentence but just ourselves!

But back to why I write on this blog and I like to keep it alive, speaking almost exclusively of my work as a wedding photographer. Yes accurate marriage because here I speak only of this but actually my work ranges also in the portrait, in the showbiz photography and travel photography …

The reason I write is because I learned to love this job and how everyone in love, you want to learn and know the whole object of your love and it literally vibrates to tell the good things and the emotions you feel. Here we say that love this craft is just like love a woman, you would always be with her and not waste the chance to tell what you are comfortable with her … of course there are also hard times, hard work, many hours, having to make ends meet, the bank, accountant etc etc … you can not do this job without loving and for me, share in these pages what I do every day, brings me to share my passion with those who have the pleasure and the patience to follow me.
