Venice, the wedding destination.

The term “destination wedding” defines those marriages that are celebrated away from home and as wedding photographer in Venice I’m very interested with this new trend. While not a practice deeply felt by the Italians, Italy is one of the most popular destinations for couples who come from other countries and continents. Among the many wonders of our boot, Venice is certainly the most characteristic. A unique city, romantic and magical.

The destination wedding are very frequent here,  and for a wedding photographer in Venice, like me,  it happens very often to work for couples who come from far away. Knowing them is always pleasant and very exciting, indeed it is always with married couples. The destination wedding is a set of traditions that merge: the origin traditions of the couple and those purely Italian; then if the couple originate in different countries, traditions that merge are many more.

One of the aspects makes photos more interesting is undoubtedly the fact that not only the location of the reception is very nice and checked but also that of the preparations. This is something that I would advise also to local couples, if you have the opportunity to prepare in historic houses you have chosen for your wedding, you will get the photographs in a dream setting, exactly what you’d imagined when you was children or when thought to your fairytale wedding.

In Venice, the historic homes are many, I dare say that every house in Venice could be called such, this is another of the things that makes enchanting Venice.

Destination Wedding in Italy

Destination Wedding in Italy