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Print or cloud?

Here we are talking again of image presentation. Again and again would I have addressed this topic. Why couples who choose a wedding photographer in Udine, rather than in Venice or anywhere else in the world are wondering the same thing: is it better to print or only digital photography?

My answer, as a wedding photographer, can only be directed to photography. Not digital photography, but photography. I am absolutely certain that the only thing that will make you happy will be the photographs of your wedding and taken with care, attention and technical/creative skills. Then, secondly, we can talk about the presentation and delivery methods.

Let us never forget that the wedding photography is very different from other types of photography, wedding photography broke through on emotion. Its main feature is the memory of unique and unrepeatable moments, scenes and emotional moments that touch the deepest chords of our hearts.

So why choose to watch these images on an electronic device, running the risk of losing them or worse still forget to browse through them?

Despite the love for innovation and the race to the last novelty, the desire to always follow the trends and never stop to await events, I remain a supporter of photography printed stationary. I love to flip through albums and I love even more the traditional album, with photos pasted on the page, rather than the photo book. In this case it is an emotional issue: printed photographs, trimmed and glued personally to mount on the album give me an emotion more than in designing a layout to my computer, send it in print and wait for the arrival of the courier for delivery. Of course, the difference between the two types of albums is negligible compared with the enjoyment and relive the excitement of that one day. The cloud is a wonderful invention, we can have in our pocket, in our smartphones, all the pictures of our wedding, we can download them and send them to all of our friends and relatives but the pleasure of touching the pages of an album is really on a higher level … accept this my advice, printed with your photos, no matter where and how, but print them!

Album Nozze Album matrimonio IMG_2154