
Rice, petals, confetti …

One of the photographs that the wedding photographer slaps during the most beautiful day of your life is definitely the exit from the ceremony.

According to the various traditions, the wedding is accompanied by the launch of rice, petals or confetti. Traditions and customs vary, so it is not difficult to find new ideas. However, photography of the bride and groom walking under this white or colored rain is always very choreographic. I like to see the expressions of bridal joy at those times.

There are also traditions where no launch is expected and despite this the exit time is always very exciting. To me the feeling of entry rather than output. Because if physically the spouses leave the ceremony, they actually enter the new path of their lives. And that’s the reason why the moment is exciting and in the photos you can see …

It’s a simple photo but not without difficulty. It is very similar to sports photography, as spouses move and at the same time the thrown objects suddenly enter the field. I like to take advantage of the low depth of field that the very bright optics make available to me (apologize for the technical language) because the blurred effect of objects flying in front and behind the pair in contrast to the sharpness of the torque makes it a great three-dimensionality .

It’s a very short time, it takes a few minutes, maybe seconds, but it’s very important in the story of the day. Within the photo album, there is always space for at least two photographs of those few seconds. When you browse a wedding album then, it’s inevitable to stop for a few moments to watch these images, enjoy the still image of a moment that live flew away and maybe you did not even realize what happened … The photography in this case gives more emotions than those actually experienced.