
Are we talking with wedding planners?

All wedding photographers are looking for them, want them but few understand them … Wedding planner agencies! What will this “fantasmatic” figure ever be? To talk to them colleagues seems to be a bottomless pit from which endless multitudes of weddings go out.

I started a bit provocative this article since the relationship between wedding photographer and wedding planner is not always that simple. I have heard many colleague photographers complain of the difficulties in dealing with wedding planners and every time I had considerable difficulty understanding the colleagues’ complaints.

With this I do not want to make an absolute speech, I can not know all the cases and so I will talk about how I like to establish collaborations with wedding planners.

First of all I realized that bombarding them with advertising is absolutely useless or almost. Surely other colleagues have also thought about it and they will find the mailbox invaded by various proposals. The best thing is to get to know them by approaching their environment.

My experience is very positive. I know and work with various wedding planners and the thing that is shared by them is the knowledge of their work and the environment in which they work. That is why I say that it is important to get closer to their environment to get acquainted, because they are very knowledgeable people, so they will become aware of our existence. If our work is to their liking then they will contact you at the first need.

Another important aspect is the fact that they are often only considered companies and not people. Here, this should never be done with anyone, especially in the setting of marriage. Good jobs arise because behind there are people who make them passionately like wedding photographer is a professional who has transformed his passion into profession, even the wedding planner does that job because it is his/her passion!

So, being people, we have the duty (in my case the pleasure) to talk to them. Understand what their tastes and needs are. A part of the photo shoot is made thinking of them. This is because surely the pictures will also serve them to promote their work but above all because if the wedding couple chose that wedding planner, it certainly lays itself in line with the tastes of that wedding planner, so the pictures that will spill thinking of the tastes of the wedding Planners will also meet those of the newlyweds.

As in all relationships, whether personal or professional, the most important thing is communication, talking with people helps to understand them and avoids any possible misunderstanding.