I love the smiles!
One of the nicest aspects of the wedding photographer craft is passing the days with smiling people. During the wedding day people are joyful, they are celebrating a happy time of the couple’s life and have fun. It is a day when the smile is on everyone’s lips, both, the spouses and their guests. Many people meet friends and relatives who may not seen for a long time and they tell stories and anecdotes mostly fun. Even my photography is always looking smile. The groups of people who show joy through their smiles give me positive energy with which to make “full”. The same positive energies which brighten even during post-production. Yes, because photographing people smiling, the smiles also accompany me during all darkened stages of production of the service and the days are much better if you go looking happy people.
My research, however, the smile never goes for the construction of it, although I do not think it would be so wrong. Or, if I were able to construct situations in which people have fun and smile, I would be a dispenser of joy and this would give me energies even more. As I said before, however, the wedding day is a happy day for nature and does not need to create situations for tearing smiles, grow wild and just be careful and “fast” to be able to catch them and turn them into great that every album images you can not do without!