
Behind the scenes: trimming photos

The album is almost ready! The graphic design is completed, we printed all the photos and now? What must the wedding photographer to complete the album? A boring part but undoubtedly rewarding of craft work: trim images before gluing on the pages. The trim can be more traditional, leaving a small white border around the images, or more modern or trimming bleed the printed image. To make the idea today I took the album photographs of Marzia and Matteo and I filmed the moment when I make the traditional trimming … at the end of the video instead you will see the effect of a mounted album page of Marta and Michele. How and who choose either the traditional or the modern trimming? Obviously the photographer! Based on entirely emotional factors and related to the service itself: style of the wedding, post-production and type of chosen albums, bring with them the choice of presentation of photography. It is a fairly long process, there is no way to automate or even to simplify it. As well as for mounting, the eye and dexterity are an important part of this working phase, to have the edges all the same it is important despite imperfections due to the manual are inevitable. Today the albums that I propose are printed, assembled and finished entirely by me in a traditional way because I think the craftsmanship is the extra ingredient that makes the album magical!