
Love at first sight

The largest number of couples who hire me as a photographer for their wedding they tell me to have chosen me based on the impact that the images have had on them. It is not a phenomenon that reflected just me, I think is behind the choice of wedding photographer. The first thing that strikes us are the photographs and no specific or rational explanation, we love one or another photographer. What is in itself the impact? What happens when we fall in love at first sight of the hand (or more precisely the eye) of a photographer?

Difficult to give a rational answer because if I had to evaluate it from the point of view of wedding photographer certainly would see the quality of light, the composition, the pose, the expressions and the overall quality of shooting and post production, but none of this it is what I would describe by married couples. The Thunderbolt arrives for quite emotional reasons and often irrational. Perhaps the type of image causes us emotional or go to dig into the unconscious of our memories and brings back pleasant moments for the situation affinity, light and color brings us positive feelings.

And the magic is just that, you can touch the emotional chords of the beholder our work letting emotions rule while on intellect …

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