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Speaking of analogue photography

I have already talked about analogue photography and how it is part of the story for the wedding photographer. A story, however, is booming about contemporary. I’m not the onliest photographer who experimented with and replicated the mixed (digital-analog) photo service.

The most satisfying thing is that besides proposing it, we find more and more people who are interested in it, attracted and light up in front of this proposal.

What is it about? Here’s an interesting question. For a wedding photographer who comes from the analog world seems to be all taken away, too, what is taken out is not … The world of analog photography is something that is measured in “emotion”. Do you know the music produced by a CD or a vinyl record? For photography it is very similar. The “mistake” the minor cleaning and the almost total absence of post production that characterizes analog photography is what makes it “human” and loved.

For the wedding photographer it is exciting to come back to talk about film and manual exposures, slow shots and attention to the click. But it is equally exciting to go back into the dark room and re-make those gestures that seemed to have disappeared forever …

Digital photography today has reached high quality levels. Technically it is unstoppable for the analog but the heat of the film, its grain its “spread” are something very special. It is not a product for everyone, there are those who love it and who hates it … what the photographer proposes is just his idea that can be shared with couples.

Below you can see some pictures taken during the portrait session of Zhanna and Thorsten, a couple of spouses that I had the pleasure to portray in Venice a few days ago … What I can see from this blog are scans, I do not know if we can still define analogue photography but from now on you will enjoy those unique features that only the film is able to give us …